This was a phrase coined by Renee, John Paul, and Travis the hosts of the Pod Mortem podcast. I believe I first heard them use it in the cast on the John Carpenter flick 'Christine'.
The meaning is synonymous with phrases like, "Its all good", "Its Saul Goodman".
"What did the test results say?", "All is pizza"
All is pizza with the battery calibration.
It is a catchphrase or words made by Syafinaz Binte Zainal.
I love you TNX all members hehe
the term of being awesomerest of all awesomes.
Melanie is the awesomerest of all awesomes!
A soft boi/ eff boi who gets around a lot and hangs out with many girls, being all romantic and whatnot
Oh girl, don’t hang out with him.
He’s a jack of all maids
You ram or get rammed in the ass once on April 1st, twice on April 2nd, thrice on April 3rd, etc. If you ram on the 1st day you need to ram on all odd days and get rammed on all even days, and if you get rammed on the 1st day you need to get rammed on all odd days and ram on all even days.
Johnny: Loren and I are going to do All Anal April this year! I'm going to ram her on odd days and she is going to ram me with a strap-on on even days! I'm already hard just thinking about it!
its like giga chad but ten times as strong as giga chad if you are to meet a giga chad of all chads you should give up your soul to them in fear or they will end you if you are not to give up your soul he will strangle your soul out of you
the way you know its a giga chad of all chads i by looking at there jaw line if it is the best thing you have ever seen in your life its a giga chad of all chads they look like giga chads but ten times stronger and they are 10,2 they are very tall and are the human all men thrive to be you cant not sacrafice your soul to a giga chad because of there power you see one give up your soul ඞඞඞඞඞඞඞ
person1: is that a giga chad of all chads
person2: yes
person1: we must give him our souls
person2: yes
a One Direction groupchat, who love for drama and tea, they can't spell properly, they are also known as ATC
"Hey do You know this iconic gc?
"which one?"
"all the tacos"