Some one who is a dumb ass with a huge used up vagina.
Britney is a twit taco . { dumb} { Ass}
breakfast tacos consisting of carne guisada gravy and potatoes, occasionally topped with cheese
hey sebastian, go pick up some tacos guacos for breakfast!!
When you play 6 games of basketball and you are dirty with drum undamaged cheese and u put in in a woman's vagina.
Girl imma give you a Columbian taco
when a guy take a piss in your cooter
omg samantha. Justin literally has the best fortnite taco
A taco that is kept in the car for safety purposes (noun)
Did you know that the third rule of driving is keeping a safety taco in the vehicle at all times?
When a female gamer teabags you after being killed.
That cunt just taco squated me! She's hacking.
First, lay down a terrible towel as a place mat (this will get messy). Next: take pierogies, cole slaw, and french fries and place them over the testicles. Enjoy!
mmm I can't wait to give Mitch a Pittsburgh Walking Taco!