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Kathi, is a very sweet person that tends to care a lot for others. They are the sweetest person I’ve ever met and always my first choice, they really deserve the world. Im very thankful to have them in my life! The people, who do something that hurts Kathi, or betray them, should fuck the hell off. Kathi doesn’t deserve people like that<3

Is Kathi<3 a good friend? Absolutely! Theyre the best friend i could ever ask for!

by este (domnicas granddaughter) October 18, 2021

3 Soul 3

3 Soul 3 is a person who leaves his friends to go hang out some other rejects

Friend 1: bro where did he go?
Friend 2: oh he left us to hang out with us other friends.
Friend 1: damn that 3 Soul 3

by Sanic545123 August 31, 2023


When you're really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really bored

you: wow i'm bored
you also: '"1!2@3#4$5%6¨7&8*9(0)qwertyuiop´`{asdfghjklç~^}\|zxcvbnm,<.>;:/?¹²³£¢¬§ªº°

by my completely real name September 27, 2022

Kendall <3

A beautiful wonderful person who once you meet them you’ll never forget them their so thoughtful and understanding and I love them. - clyde

“ Hey do you know “Kendall <3” ? “No I do not. “ we’ll get to know them they’re great.”

by clyde/illuximity September 12, 2021

pancake dinner part 3

Alone together on a Saturday or Sunday night, during a quiet moment by the pool, we may have shared a pancake dinner together, or practiced ordering another pancake dinner that would actually never come -- from Denny's, if Denny's existed back then, or from our favorite seedy restaurant in Reseda or Van Nuys.

We may have waited for our perfect pancake dinner for hours, may have watched capitalism's slow, factory corruption in slow motion, and may have made promises of love and loyalty to each other so severe that here we are again, in the next life, enjoying pancake dinner together again. 🥞

Pancake dinner, big brother. Don't worry -- little brother is on the way to save the day. Tonight, tomorrow, and always.

(if you like this writing style, you're going to love the book of bisexual men's short stories, The Stories of John Cheever, when that part of your 39th birthday present arrives late ^_^)

Pancake dinner part 3. CHONCHLATE CHIP PANCAKES, two eggs, poached, on wheat bread (toast), chonchlate milkshake, and a soda, Pepsi or Coke, should be no more than z16s.

by t_hags December 6, 2024

3 Beer Problem

A friend, relative, or colleague who turns into an absolute liability after just a few drinks.

I would invite Jimmy to the party, but the guy's a total 3 Beer Problem.

by thatgingerscouser April 11, 2024

Ask your crush out day 3

A day where you ask your crush out on July 25th

Alex: Hey, isnt it July 25th?
Karen: Yeah it is, why?
Alex: Well its Ask your crush out day 3, will you go out with me?

by 69696969420420420 July 26, 2020