Green Forest is someone who would go above and beyond for their partner, someone who does more than the bare minimum and thinks out of the box to keep their relationship healthy. Ultimately superior to the green flag.
he's not a green flag he's a whole green forest
147 Techs
18 Ejections
15 Flagrants
Career Summary:
Current league: NBA
Fits in: UFC
Afraid of everything; easily frightened; scary.
You can’t be a green puff all of your life! Man up and drive that boat!
Goin’ Green: when an undocumented immigrant is going to get a green card.
Juan has applied for his work permit. He’s goin’ green.
(Verb) When your boss mandates a task at or near the end of your shift, especially after an already long or strenuous day, not to be confused with voluntary overtime. While the origin is unclear it is widely believed to be derived from the fact that “hot dogs” turn green when left out for too long.
“Nobody wanted to run that last delivery last night so Steve got green-wienered again.”
“Sorry babe, I’m not going to make it for dinner tonight, we had a last second walk in and I got green-wienered!”
To be approved by locals, or gang leaders that there is either no relation or a go ahead to be harmed or even k*lled. Essentially meaning you aren’t protected associate or affiliate of locals and or you’ve done something wrong to someone else who may be protected.
Note: you might not know you’re protected
You also most likely won’t find out if your green lit unless you have a spy so be careful. Usually green lit is an internal and exclusive information to the groups or associates involved.
It’s essentially a bounty that doesn’t always mean there’s money to be earned, some do it for clout, personal benefit to gain reputation in group....
That Su*rey sk*d is green lit, come by for drinks after.