When you're trying to readjust a beanbag chair and you get it perfect.
"Yo Ryan stop messing up my bean ratio."
Sipping to much black bean water, now I have the jitters.
Referring to a meal: a meal consisting of a type of bean and a vegetable in one supper.
"Aww, mom! We're having beans and greens today for dinner?! I hate black beans with celery!"
A freakishly skinny person or thing that resembles a grass hopper.
Ew! That dog looks like a skrim bean!
Don’t say that, Leave the dog alone!
Like Tea-bagging, but for girls
She was coffee beaning hell out of him!
Michael Jackson: Billie Jean is not my lover, she’s just a girl who says I am the one.
'I searched for 'inside out pulled rectum' on google and it looked like a big red bean' - Tristan
'a... what?' - Everyone else