A play off of the word supercilious.
When someone uses words too big for their simplistic sentence, hoping it makes them sound smarter than you.
Searching for insult synonyms on Google and putting them in your clapbacks does not make you look intelligent. It's superfluous to a point of super-silliest, because it's both arrogant and lazy. Your insult is lame and you should be ashamed of how boring you are; now, we're all laughing at you for trying too hard to hide your lack of intelligence.
When something is SO spooky , sooooo scary that it isn't super spooky but super duper spooky
Boi it was super duper spooky when that radio got on by its self
A Columbian sex god, who steals your bitch
Super Bobby Sgt Gomez fucked my wife
@Kitty / Urban Dictionary- Super-white•A person of Nordish,Anglo,Viking,blood who believes that the African American race is not separated from Americans. They also believe in inclusion as a means to erase the past deeds of their ancestors thus they have no responsibility whatsoever for the African American plight. Also believes we are not entitled to 40 acres and a mule as promised. These people truly believe that everything the African American race has been through and are going through have nothing to do whatsoever with systemic racism
Ben:Bruh you late where you been?
***Alex exits car and slams the door
Alex:Got jammed up some super white pulled me over I was lucky he didn't get stupid on me. Just let me off with a speech about how I'm squandering all my chances to be an American.
Super Shane orgasm
During sexual playtime with toys - When you have multiple orgasms, one after the other, or they may roll into one huge orgasm.
Nancy to her friends - “Omg I had an amazing out of body experience last night, my boyfriend treated me to the Super Shane orgasm!! I can’t wait to experience that again!!”
Lex's boyfriend who is super hot and sexy
Fred is super fucking hot omfg please marry me babe is a good word to use
(Adj) A person who is a waste; an idiot. One that dosen't realize that they are talking from there ass. Also used to describe a male / female (N) that won't let you be who you wana be. To act in a ridiculous manner; embarassing (V)
Person 1: You see that guy last night he just woulden't shut up about how badass he was.
Person 2: We all know hes not!
Person 1: Yeah he was a super douche 5000