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Noun; means multiple fish, or a group of fish

There is a group of fishes

by Chopper29 November 26, 2020


1) Noun. A reptilian sea creature that has no legs and instead seeks with its two legs and a tail. Some are wild, some are kept as pets, and some are eaten as food.
2) Verb. The process of catching fish. Sometimes used indirectly as a synonym for searching for something.

Some people eat fish raw and call it sushi.

by Achromatic Chameleon June 9, 2018


both the singular and plural word for fish(es)

yo dude i want a fishes

by yowhatsupnigga November 10, 2019


Food that should not be eaten before or after you eat ice cream. If you do, you will get Violent Explosive Diarrhea.

Fish and ice cream just don't mix!

by Shawn B. May 19, 2003


fish, something we have probally all eating except for Tucker. tucker has never eatin fish before (and by fish i mean pussy)

hey "fish" stinks so fucking bad

by Andrew "PIMP" October 30, 2003

1👍 4👎


Verb- To shake uncontrollably due to lack of oxygen while inhaling nitrous oxide, usually prior to passing out. Refers to a "fish out of water" motion.

Ted-"Dude Look at Jimmy! his lips are all purple HAHAHAHAHA"
Jake"OMG he is fishing, FISH! HAHAHAHA"

Jimmy-*purple lipped and shaking while laughing, passes out.

by eatemup February 10, 2010


A fish is an animal in the ocean. It is very weird looking, and people eat it.

"Hey! Lets eat some fish!"

by HeheheDOG April 29, 2021