Redundancy, six guys doing a job that requires just one guy. You could also consider this a form of clusterfuck.
I've got 6 guys painting a single 4 x 8 sheet of drywall. Talk about too many dicks in one hole...this is a clusterfuck!
The act of being in charge of one’s life while still taking chances like the man with his member through a glory hole. The preferable side of the otherwise uncomfortable 2 person act of glory hole-ing.
Doug: “Did you see Brad is opening a new topless casino downtown?
Jeff: “That guy’s really living on the right side of the glory hole man”
Slang. Whenever someone says fuckin a it’s funny to say fuck a b it has more holes!
Fuckin a man! Fuck a b it has more holes! What do ya mean? Well aren’t there 2 holes in a b instead of one in a?
To look or feel terrible, as would shit when forcibly extruded through a tiny hole.
A general expression of utter terribleness.
"Man you look hungover!"
"Yeah, I feel like shit hammered through a small hole"
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These strange holes, stretching for a mile over uneven mountain terrain, were here for so long that the local people have no idea who made them, or why. Funny thing is no one really saw the big picture until the area was seen from the air.
Archeologists have speculated they were dug to store grain in. Two problems with this, say the folks thinking out of the box: there were a lot easier ways to create storage containers than the hard work and decades it must have taken to chip out all of these, and it would have made more sense, if these were to store grain, to build several huge chambers.
Some sections have holes in rigid and perfect precision; some run in rows that curve up in arches, some staggered lines. They vary in depth to about 6-7 feet deep yet some are merely shallow indents as if not completed - though surrounded by those that are.
To date, no one has a clue why they're here, who made them or what they were.
Few miles east from the band, satellite photo shows structures that look like a remnants of an ancient settlement (these formations do not look natural and there is nothing similar in the entire area): 13 42'36.80" S, 75 51'4.07" W
Ancient Band of Holes Found in Peru
Thousands of man-sized holes are carved into the barren rock near Pisco Valley, Peru on a plain called Cajamarquilla.
Were looking to see if alien's are Urban legend/myth or True to life. Look up For the reference See: satellite photo of Machu Picchu @ Ancient X web site
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An outlandish statement, only used to insult and denigrate the very worst douchebags, assholes, and degenerates.
It is a common truth that everyone has at least 15 orifices hidden on his or her body. Girls usually have at least 20 hidden ones, however.
Douchebag: Hey yo imma fuck u up if u dont do my algebra homework
Sensible human being: Fuck you in your 15 holes, you fucking jackass!!
Douchebag: .....fine ill leave u alone, jeezus
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The vagina and/or anus of somebody that really needs a good old sexing, and the person is usually crying or screaming when they refer to the do me do me hole.
Oh do me! Do me in my do me do me hole!
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