A type of cough syrup that is made with the same ingredient as the pain killer (Norco) hydrocodone.
Aye bro Its lets go sip on some norc juice.
when high and sucking a dick and the dick ejaculates in your mouth
That's one big JUICE TO YOUR GALAXY.
A person who loves Juice Wrld Asf and is on a journey to listening to all Juice Wrld's song
Damn...my hoe be playing Jarad's jam,she a Juice Wrld Sicko...me am much of an XXXT sicko
A bottle of water containing water mixed with vodka (usually past the cap).
“Gotta have me some Alex Juice
The Fluids that come from a male member of the LGBT COMMUNITY, that contains saliva, groin area moisture, and occasionally internal body fluids, like semen.
There was a strong wind of Horny-Boy Juice coming from that car door.
Dude be neglecting to clean that car out.
Bird cum mixed with bird titty milk
Yo that was some delicious bird juice!
Pretending to die from a seizure