O.d.F. on da fents "fentanyl pills
Hey nigga ready to do this fent .O.d.F. GANG
Owner of a massive dick like gigantic horse cock bigger than a fucking car
Bro o has a massive horse cock
What the fuck is wrong with you
it's just a letter
oh, yeah. there's a use tO it
and that is fOr
bOttOm text
"im bOred sO imma search for the letter O in urban dictiOnary cuz why the fuck nOt"
in gaming terms, O is used when someone does something impressive, is like saying OHHHH!
jade: *scores a screamer in roblox football*
me: O
guy 1: i searched the letter o on urban dictionary.
guy 2: why.
o means oh most of the times, but it's also used for unfinished ok.
o can also mean ooo (amazed)
short o means wha-
(yes people use this)
Girl 1: I still didn't find any sources of that picture
Girl 2: o
Girl 2: :(
Girl 1:I found a really good profile picture!
Girl 2: o
Girl 2: Cool
Girl 1:(shows a weird deep web youtube video)
Girl 2: o...