That one bitch we all have in our school.
Is that じゅんちn びえべr?!
She’s such a じゅsちn びえべr.
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"Virtual High Tea coffee n cakes and a bit of Clarinet Chit Chat", is the name of INWIRA's YOUTUBE CHANNEL...
Joe Bloggs to his friend: "You should see this YouTube channel video about some womans clarinet practice.
Joe bloggs friend: "What's it called; the channel?"
Joe bloggs: "Virtual High Tea coffee n cakes and a bit of Clarinet Chit Chat".
Joe Bloggs friend: "Cool."
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cha cha and Natalie love each other so very much
haha, Natalie and Charlie sitting in a tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g ahahah
E N E R G Y 🚫 😍 is a Chicago term meaning you always have bad bitch energy. Which means your always a bad bitch.
Damn she always got that E N E R G Y 🚫 😍 she’s always a bad bitch.
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3 friend that are always together and never leave someone out and are not a wos
We are the t r i o. f r i e n d s
A good mod on r/gachalifecringe offical discord. Also is Carson. But carson bad. Carson hates Obama after simping for him 😤. They used to be in a relationship but broke up 😭😭😭😭
Man did you hear how Carson aka i n h a l e a i r o r d i e and Obama broke up?
A word used by the superior Dutch people to signify their presence on any Dutch related posts which literally translates to "Colonised". Usage of this word is usually followed by someone else saying "Zeg makker".
Guy 1: "Hey did you hear about this one thing that is super vaguely connected to the Dutch?"
Guy 2: "No I actually didn't, I would love to hea-
Random Dutch person: "G E K O L O N I S E E R D"
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