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West Linn High School

The local high school for West Linn, Oregon.
While a lot of the students are particularly wealthy, very few of them actually brag about it, as everybody seems to exaggerate. The people who usually write these definitions are usually the rich snobby types who get arrested for doing extremely stupid things and then wondering why.
The teachers are actually very good, but some students (see above) dislike them simply because they openly oppose them.
There are some really cool people at this school, though, amid the crowds of students. Though there are quite a few people who do/have done drugs, they generally are cool people, once you get past that. This usually has to do with the fact that these people do have a lot of money, with parents who have full time jobs meaning they're never at home, so the kids get bored with having everything and being good. Thus, they go do drugs.
There are a good chunk of students that are about middle class, but since people only come on here to rant because they got picked on, you never hear about them. There are some snobby people in this group, but for the most part they're pretty cool, down-to-Earth people.
tl;dr, WLHS is actually a pretty good school to go to. People just complain constantly because they do bad things and can't figure out why they're in trouble.

Kid 1: West Linn High School seriously sucks, man. I kicked over a trash can and a teacher actually had the NERVE to reprimand me! (This is an unrealistic representation since the people who usually do these things probably can't even define 'reprimand')

Kid 2: Yeah, I know, right? It's like they actually expect us to be GOOD and stuff!


Kid 1: I got this awesome new laptop for Christmas, and I'm super excited about it!

Snob: Oh you rich people always go on about all your nice fancy stuff because you're all rich and stuff.

Kid 1: Actually, my family had to scrape together the money for this.

Snob: You're a jerk for even trying to talk back to me. Not worth MY time! *goes off to smoke something*

by OneWhoSpells October 11, 2011

89πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

Milken Community High School

A Jewish private high school located in Los Angeles, CA. It's main color scheme is brick-brown, dark green, and white. Hours are wasted weekly as students tend to lounge around drinking Arizona Iced Tea from the student store. Whites and Persians make up the student population, and although at times cliquey, the two groups tend to mesh together nicely. Teachers are very involved in student life, and they often share common interests as the students. Mysterious smells can be found at every corner, and a fire drill calls for celebration.

Student 1: "Dude, I basically didn't have to come to school until after lunch. My hebrew teacher never showed, PE is a joke, and we had free kehillah."

Student 2: "I love going to Milken Community High School..."

by lakeshow09 May 30, 2009

112πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž

Medford High School

Ugly ass school in Medford, Massachusetts. Full of racist white teachers and entitled colonizers who don’t give af abt the real probs. Bathrooms reek from the white bois ripping their Juul. Football team is just ass at what they do. γ…‡ γ…‘γ…‡ mfs here ain’t got half a brain cell, especially the eDgY white boys that make racist ass jokes. Mad ppl here tryna be qUiRky like bruh u ain’t special 😭. Some teachers r actually kinda good but the science department is ass. The science mfs be traumatizing kids and giving out PTSD like it’s fucking candy. Building looks like a whole prison and some ppl say it’s cuz of these riots they used to have. They rlly don’t be condoning racist and homophobic shit there. U got some creepy ass teachers looking at kids too. U gotta work w what u got but issa lousy place

Person: β€œYo you heard about Medford High?”
Me: β€œNah Medford High School is an ugly ass school”

by lIfE gOeS oN ✨✨✨ December 27, 2021

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Dutch Fork High School

Dutch Fork High School, is a socialized prison where the instability of the leadership impresses even African nations. The constant change in principles, leads the student body as well as the faculty pondering if they are getting gyped or whored out to someone or something. Overall the school gives the appearance that it is essentially a chaotic cluster fuck as opposed to a government installed educational institution. Though the school has essentially no gang violence or civil disobedience, the administration sees it necessary to overcompensate the short-comings of rival school, Irmo High School. Mesh bookbags are required to prevent students from bringing concealed weapons, though one would imagine that a shirt could be wrapped over the weapon in the bag, thus making the bag redundant. In an attempt to prevent intruders from entering, the administration requires socialist identification badges to be hung from the neck by a lanyard, that must be break-away, because the student suicide rate increased rapidly when the IDs were incorporated in the first place.

The system of ids is a questionable practice in which a frantic old man inspires investigation into every students id in an attempt to keep some facade of structure within the school to make a false premise of safety.

The administration of Dutch Fork High School is a constant reminder of an Orwellian society based on the novel 1984. Within their school you are made to read this book as a sick form of irony, so that the administration can have a sense of humor in their own sick way.

One could spend a lifetime discussing Dutch Fork High School's short-comings and overall substandard organizational practices. The school manages to pull off decent educational standards, though the students that attend this high school seem to be whinny spoiled rich kids with an attitude over nothing, essentially what is the point?

Last but in no way least...
I am the asshole that planned, lead, and followed through with the Raccoon Prank of '08! Muhahahahaha, biatches!

When Marx wrote the "The Communist Manifesto," he had know idea that his Utopia could be corrupted into a Dutch Fork High School.

by ErinGoBraghLess and Baneez September 18, 2008

78πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

South Salem High School

A high school located in south Salem, Oregon. Has a horrific football team, mostly comprised of homosexuals. The members of the leadership team are mentally handicapped and are led by Mrs. August, who blatantly plays favorites. Not the school completely sucks, there are some great science teachers here and the head history teacher looks like Vladimir Lenin.

Thank God I'm graduating from South Salem High School

by Will Baumann '08 April 14, 2008

140πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Parkway West High School

You know your at/go to parkway west when...

there's trash talking about Central. you see an orange lambo every afternoon. you know who "Scogs" is. you see sophmores and freshman trying to get away with parking in the teachers lot...(stupid underclassmen). you see a longhorn at every corner. most girls are orange or tan. you see atleast 30 BMW's in the senior lot. you hear juniors complaining about the "hill/pit". there's atleast 3 fights within the 1st month of school. you hear about/see lame senior pranks. You hear about kids going to state for sports. You hear about kids getting perfect scores on the ACT. you see a short blonde haired lady walk around with uggs. you hear "west is best" in every attepmt at a motivational class meeting. you see atleast like 5 cameras in every hallway/breeze way.You know who the Gabberts are. you go to a fottball game and can barely find place to sit on the bleachers. you know about the racist grade level principle. You know that ashort a-days aren't really short. you call freshman frosh. theres atleast 3 pregnant girls at school a semester. you know how to get around the cameras to get off campus.

-you know were playing central on friday?
*aye were not even playing them...were dominating.
-Well duh. were from Parkway West High school

by Dubpw April 17, 2009

52πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

High School Musical

High School Musical is a Disney Channel Movie released on January 20, 2006. A sequel was released on August 17, 2007. A second sequel is to be released into theatres about the senior prom and graduation of the characters sometime in late 08-09. Yes, it DOES have nearly an identical plot line to Grease. However, it is Disney Channel's most succesful movie at this time. 33 countries have released this movie on Disney Channel.

Dood, seriously. If you really think High School Musical is SO lame, then why waste your time on it? No one cares if you hate it just because it is like Grease. I guess you must hate Grease then, because that is said to be a modern (at the time) retelling of Romeo and Juliet (although different, yes, but that is the basis.) So seriously, get a life. High School Musical is a good movie. Yes, it's corny. But honestly, I love the movie. And Zac Efron does help (:

by beeblack August 18, 2007

42πŸ‘ 306πŸ‘Ž