A Saiyan (Saiya-jin) that has attained a power akin of a god. A Saiyan acquires 50x their energy level with a Super Saiyan transformation. The Saiyan's hair spikes up, turns yellow, eyes turn blue-green, and has a golden aura. To some anger and sadness are emotions felt prior to transformation. They whom have trained and exceeded natural evolution. Through transformation one feels embarrasement from being as weak as a mortal. The energy that shines from them blinds everyone in their zone and causes one to peer. When encountered it will make anyone gasp and make their enemies shit their soul. Guys want to be like you. Not someone who gets in the way (pig).
- The few who have witnessed a Super Saiyan are thunderstruck and shocked; chock-full of different emotions like exhilaration, bafflement, euphoria, wonder, love, déjà vu, pride, thrill, envy, ecstasy, gaiety, anxiety, dread, horror, funk, spazz.
More than cray cray, so it's like really over-the-top crazy.
My friends got me super cray last week when they stole my cellphone and threw it out the window!
When Luke has a fever of 104 and above, body aches, ears ringing, and my ears won’t pop! Hopefully this will all be over in 5 days or less! But super Covid last 13 days!
Well babe it’s official, I finally got the super Covid symptoms this is terrible!
When you cum a massive load in the ass
I just super yeeted your moms ass, about 10 minutes ago
A super yeet is when you yeet something across the room and such a fast speed that it turns into A FIRE BALL
John super yeeted Bob into space
A really big fishing lure or a really big dick
Girl:lemme see your super spook.
Guy:ok let's go f***ing