A juice that, when drunk, will make someone unsee something. Its usage in memes is when someone sees something cringe-worthy or disturbing and then subsequently drinks the juice to remove any memory they have of the disturbing thing.
This image is so cringe-worthy. I feel like I'm going to need 100 liters of unsee juice to unsee it.
A juice, upon consumption will cause someone to forget the last thing they have seen. Usually consumed in high amounts when one sees a disturbing image.
I think I'm gonna have a big sip of unsee juice after I see this.
Porn star Peter North during an interview referred to a "pop juice monkey" as any male porn performer who produces copious amounts of semen during scene shootings.
Peter North is often cast because he's the best pop juice monkey in the industry.
Not the same as sucking ass and should never be don’t right after sucking ass.
Beta whore: I’m done sucking ass, now is my chance to slurp booty juice *dies*
Alpha pimp: I am saving slurping booty juice for a special occasion and will only commit to it once I have properly prepared and assessed the situation at hand *lives happy life*
It’s a juice you get from the corner store
Ex: can you get me a 50 cent juice from da store?
Depression medication, it cures your depresso expresso
Take a shot of apple juice, it’ll fix all your problems.
juice from an apple/the most revolutionary, game-changing, bestest juice in the history of juice
Friend 1-Hey man whatcha got there
Friend 2-I got the most revolutionary, game-changing, bestest juice in the history of juice: apple juice