A Worldwide known meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a young people's meeting of AA located in Scottsdale/Tempe Arizona. The formal name is The Neither Here Nor There Meeting of AA, however due to it's unusual start time, it became known as the 10:08 or The 08 for short.
The meeting was started in Arizona and has since spread to other states. It is known to be a little rowdier than most AA meetings, but still it carries the program's message.
It is rumored that the Neither Here Nor There Meeting of AA started at 10:00PM originally, but because years ago Seinfeld wasn't over until 10:00PM, people wouldn't arrive at the meeting until it was around 10:08. To accommodate the schedule the meeting changed the start time to 10:08 and a legend was born.
Are you going to the 10:08 tonight?
I'll see you at the 10:08!
20π 6π
An operating system that likes to annoy you a lot on other Windows operating systems. It also has a new version of Internet Explorer called Microsoft Edge.
Windows 10 Popup: Your PC is ready for your free upgrade.
Basically everyone: Fuck off!.
8π 1π
November 7 is a national waffle day.
Everyone should eat and buy waffles.
Gurl, itβs November 10 today! Letβs eat waffles!!
9π 1π
A sure bet
Friend: βletβs play fortnite tonight.β
Other friend: β10:30 sir. Iβll be on.β
8π 1π
Understand, Affirmative, Confirmed
This is Romeo 1 to all units we have got 3 vehicles sighted at Heroin Processing, Over.
This is Kilo 2 10-4 On last, responding now, over.
42π 9π
Chase your shortest friends day. If you tackle them you can get anything out of them and then run away because the short ones are always gonna come at you when youβre sleeping so keep one eye open tonight
Boy: Hey Lindsay itβs December 10 *starts chasing her*
Lindsay: AHHH MY LEGS ARE SHORT *falls and then gets tackled*