A Worldwide known meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. It is a young people's meeting of AA located in Scottsdale/Tempe Arizona. The formal name is The Neither Here Nor There Meeting of AA, however due to it's unusual start time, it became known as the 10:08 or The 08 for short.
The meeting was started in Arizona and has since spread to other states. It is known to be a little rowdier than most AA meetings, but still it carries the program's message.
It is rumored that the Neither Here Nor There Meeting of AA started at 10:00PM originally, but because years ago Seinfeld wasn't over until 10:00PM, people wouldn't arrive at the meeting until it was around 10:08. To accommodate the schedule the meeting changed the start time to 10:08 and a legend was born.
Are you going to the 10:08 tonight?
I'll see you at the 10:08!
20π 6π
A sure bet
Friend: βletβs play fortnite tonight.β
Other friend: β10:30 sir. Iβll be on.β
8π 1π
November 7 is a national waffle day.
Everyone should eat and buy waffles.
Gurl, itβs November 10 today! Letβs eat waffles!!
9π 1π
An operating system that likes to annoy you a lot on other Windows operating systems. It also has a new version of Internet Explorer called Microsoft Edge.
Windows 10 Popup: Your PC is ready for your free upgrade.
Basically everyone: Fuck off!.
8π 1π
Understand, Affirmative, Confirmed
This is Romeo 1 to all units we have got 3 vehicles sighted at Heroin Processing, Over.
This is Kilo 2 10-4 On last, responding now, over.
42π 9π
febuary 10th is the day to kiss ur bf/gf
Hey its febuary 10th you know what that means..