Source Code

Spam Addict

Someone who can't stop spamming.

1 new message from Sydney: "hey name get online"
1 new message from Sydney:: "hey name get online"
1 new message from Sydney:: "hey name get online"
1 new message from Sydney: "hey name get online"

name: "Sydney is a real Spam Addict."

by ktiractionreal February 10, 2017

hoody addicted

A person who always walk around with a hood on their head.

Tara can not go anywhere without a hood up on her head because she is hoody addicted.

by The Oracle 7 May 1, 2016

Sammie Addict

One that needs a sammie so bad they wouldn't hesitate to eat a sammie from subway.

"Is there a subway around here?" Said by a true sammie addict.

by Sammie Addict July 8, 2020

Busy addict

Someone who has many additions that he don't have time for social life

Keith: did you ask juhaina to come hangout with us

Julia: she said she has anime to watch and a book to finish

Keith : uh i forget she's a busy addict

by Ladypurplebug September 24, 2022

cereal addiction

An addiction to breakfast cereal(s) regardless of the location or time of day.

I love to eat breaksfast at any time of the day, I have a cereal addiction.

by HerveyBayCerealAddict March 15, 2016

Facebook addiction

When one is constantly checking, scrolling, liking, commenting, staring with that blank open mouthed face at a screen for hours upon hours, day after day.

Annoyed girlfriend- "Hey you should get off Facebook for once babe."

Facebook addict- "You want me to WHAAAT??"


Facebook addict- "Nah Facebook is life and I wil----- (stops mid sentence to read a post) five minutes later "what were we talking about again"

Super annoyed girlfriend- "You have a 'facebook addiction'"

by aCoope5518 July 13, 2015

chickfila addicts

An addiction to chick-fil-a is not uncommon in today's age. The most commonly effected are 14-17 year old Jewish males. The addiction begins very slow but as some therapist say the addiction can only get worse. Symptoms include gelled hair and over active acne. If you or a friend is suffering from this please call the number on the bottom. You could change a life for the better.

Chickfila addicts suffer

by DJ SODI December 1, 2017