When one person feels the immediate effects of a Chipotle burrito and rushes to the bathroom forgetting to lock the door. Many other people feel the same thing and enter the bathroom with him.
Jackson: Oh no. (Runs to the bathroom)
Hunter: Oh no. (Follows Jackson to the bathroom)
Hunter (bursting in the bathroom door): sorry man. We’re going to have to have a Chipotle Bathroom Party.
(Both men crouch over toilet)
The bathroom always smells like pussy and hot ass It also smells like old crusty fish patties with a side of shit.
Random girl walks in the Funky school bathroom: "it smell like someone left their pussy in this bitch!
(n) When you get back at someone you hate, by trashing their bathroom, by voiding your bowels all over the place, and leaving a horrific mess for the next person.
I got back at Chris last night. I hit him with a Bathroom Shock and Awe.
The most intense and serious form of masturbation a man can ever experience.
AKA: Jerking off is like a First Person Shooter. Your dick is the gun and your jizz are the bullets.
"I've got 20 minutes left on break, it is time for me to be playing Doom in the Bathroom".
the one place where you will find fight clubs, drug deals, nic fiends and even people fucking dancing. the only things in these places you wont find, however is the toilet paper, the stall doors and the soap
"bro I went to the high school bathrooms and someone wrote something on the wall with smeared shit"
The place where all the kids go for some fun! like a little bit of nic as well as the place where the party starts
Let’s go for the 4th floor bathroom
Man code for "I'm going to fuck that guys girlfriend real quick."
"Im going to the bathroom real quick."
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