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Fake ass beaner

when your Mexican friend act fake asab because you didn't take him to planet fitness because his bum ass couldn't go himself.

Owens a fake ass beaner, He went to the corner store without me like a little hoe.

by Romelius Stepbackski February 3, 2018


BEANER BOI BENI is something I can’t explain

Every time I say beaner boi, BEANER BOI BENI replies

by Potatoes are purple April 21, 2020

sad beaner hours

Midnight to four twenty a.m is the time when you stop to think about your country that you left to work as the clean up crew in some sticky school.

Jean “Hey why didn’t you text me back?”

Mitchell “sorry I was in sad beaner hours”

by Litbob420 December 20, 2017

3👍 1👎

bitch ass beaner

It was once said that those that can choose their own destiny, will the world. aint that some shit(bitch ass beaner reference).

josh ross is a bitch ass beaner.

Lux is a bitch ass beaner.

by brian ross has no room on his computer because he has downloaded too much male porn. April 3, 2005

20👍 62👎

Beaner Wiener Festival

When a bunch of enemies are gathered up in one place in call of duty.

Dude, I just mowed down a Beaner Wiener Festival with the death machine.

by From That Big Shlong 2 May 29, 2011

2👍 3👎

Gassy Beaner

A look-alike Mexican who SUPPOSIVLY has gas but is only called a gassy beaner by some poor ginger.

Ginger: *whisper* Gassy Beaner
Mexican: *stage whisper* FIRECROTCH
Ginger: Hehe...he... ...Shutup -_-'

by pseudonymmissspeller December 7, 2010

1👍 12👎

bitch ass beaner

term commonly used by hi jross and none other than lux; it is defined by being an extreme bitch and douche rag

Eric Wasserman a.k.a. the bitch ass beaner himself

by Larry David April 3, 2005

15👍 59👎