The blindness that occurs when you don't notice that the current girl you're hooking up with looks like your ex.
When you're so into the new vagene that you can't see the vag forest through the vag trees.
How do you not see that Sally looks exactly like Jennifer?!? You've got the vag blindness.
Blind hope, blind visions
Blind centre, one centre
Blind living and seeing
Blind hell, blind hell
Blind visions and no reasons
For action blind words
Blind visions and no reasons
No reasons for actions
In a dream when I''m reading pages full of words
The harder you look
It''s getting hard, it''s getting hard, it''s not
A dream''s a dream
In a dream when I''m reading pages
Pages full of words
It''s, it''s getting hard, it''s not
It''s not, it, it
It''s getting hard
It''s getting harder
It''s getting hard
Hold me closer now, hold me closer
That''s blind vision, blind vision
Push me harder now, harder push me harder
It''s blind hell, blind hell
Keep me spinning round and round
Blind centre, blind centre
Now I''m turning miles above the ground
That''s blind hell, blind hell, blind hell
Not being aware of one's own behavior. When you need to check yourself.
I lied for no reason and then realised I had a blind spot.
I let him cross my boundaries, I guess I still have a blind spot.
My emotions took control over me when he pushed my buttons, now at least I'm aware of my blind spots.
The inability to recognize a familiar young gay man due to excessive attractiveness.
Guy 1: Whoa, check out that hot guy that just walked in.
Guy 2: That's Mark you idiot. We've worked with him for years.
Guy 1: Oh right. Damn twink blindness.
Obliviousness when walking or otherwise in motion while simultaneously playing with or peering at a hand-held gadget. Often a public nuisance, as when slow, erratic, or careless movement impedes or leads to collision with others; sometimes also dangerous to the cell blind themselves, as when crossing a busy street without looking because engrossed in texting, IM-ing, or similarly urgent activities.
See: cell blindness (n.), cell-blind (v., adv.), and cell-blindly (adv.)
Darwin Award nominees include a cell blind woman who fell through an open manhole cover.
Blind channel is the most wonderful band in the whole world. Theyre kind, sweet and funny. And theyre fans are the best! They got 6th place in eurovision 2021. Blindchannel members: Joel hokka, Niko moilanen, Olli matela, Joonas porko, Tommi lalli and Aleksi kaunisvesi.
Blind channel