A reference to the death of the frontman of the fictional band Insert Dumbass Name Here, Thomas Carson, who died via an overdose when he shot up ketamine in an abandoned house.
Person One: Shit bro, my homie died.
Person Two: How'd it happen?
Person One: Overdose.
Person Two: Heh. Crackhouse Carson.
Mighty goth
Alcoholic 24/7
Loves it hard
Up the duff
If no drinking, she’ll sure be licking. Only goth about that can pound your trout - Ellie Carson
The act of being physically close to a person named "Carson". After effects include decrease in IQ, hyperactivity, and sudden addiction to Fortnite(?).
Jimmy hasn't been outside a lot, ever since he got the Carson Effect he hasn't left his room and his been constantly screaming.
this man is so incredibly sexy and hot. If i was told that there was a new kid at school and his name was Carson G, I would instantly climax. Theres no such thing as a man with a longer peen and a more beautiful body than someone named carson g. I want any Carson G to have my kids.
Oh My Gosh That Guys is so hot, hes such a carson g
Fellow kinfolk gather around a kneeled Carson and unload the legacy of their future generations.
Pullover! Let’s get a quick round of soggy Carson in before we get there.
A child who doesn't under stand English
"Gosh, you're such a Carson Dueck"
An absolute unit who is so incredibly hot and is very good at anything he does. You want to be like a Carson Tichenor
Girl: did you see that new boy at school?
Other girl: yesss! He’s so much like a Carson Tichenor!