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One who believes that the god intelligent and impressive enough to have created the beauty and mystery of life, love, and the physical laws behind our existence is the same being that is going to send most of the people that ever existed to an eternity of torturous punishment because they had the wrong ideas regarding the unknowable and unseeable make sense to them.

George W Bush is a Christian. Enough said.

by Urban Dictionary September 14, 2007

680πŸ‘ 645πŸ‘Ž


he is sexy as fuck and has a bit dick in his pants

christian: Baby im trinna fuck😏
The girl: Ok daddy😫

by llcd October 28, 2019


he is a gay faggot that doesnt care about anyone but him self he bullies shorter people

christian is a fag

by Flash oops March 21, 2019


christian is a loud, hyperactive crackhead.

β€œwhy is that kid so loud, hyperactive, and a crackhead”

β€œhere at cfla, we just call him christian.”

by cflacrackhead February 8, 2020


To do something in the name of Jesus Christ.

I love you Christianally.

by Hellsprung May 26, 2017


a group of brain-washed people who worship jesus christ, and spread their propaganda of beliefs through media of all sorts, including television (jesus channels), radio;music (jesus rock, gospel, ect.), books (the bible), ect, and say that if you don't agree with their beliefs, you will go to hell.

"Hey Bill."
"Yeah Jim?"
"Lets watch that awesome gameshow, Praise the Lord, on the Jesus Channel."
"Excellent idea...those crazy Christians..."

by bob89 June 18, 2005

484πŸ‘ 464πŸ‘Ž


Stupid goody-two-shoe fuckheads who love to suck up to the government. They think that everything in life is useless and the only thing worth giving attention to is there invisible deity called "god", whom of which they have yet to prove the existance of. They also foolishly believe that the United States was founded as a christian nation, when in fact it was founded upon Agnosticism, yet the Christians stole it from the Agnostics.

I hate christians, They are the worst kind of religious people. They are fucking obnoxious assholes. A christian that lives next door to me snitched me out to the police for smoking the green a couple years back. Hey, guess what. I can do whatever the fuck I WANT, you fucking fascists. I don't care if this is your nation. I am me. So don't you tell ME how to live. I hate you stupid fucking christians. Just fuck off the Earth already and drop dead. Assholes...

by not found [Error 404] May 19, 2007

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