when a morbidly obese person puts one leg in the tub, and one leg out of the tub and proceeds to wipe there ass along the edge, or side rail, and then cleans it up with a towel.
your mama is so fat she has to crack the tub after every shit.
when one goes to guff and let's out little rabbit poos out there bottom!
yo man did you just crack a snager in the line at Poundland?
a loose, worked, and utterly stretched out ass crack due to multiple simultaneous penis insertions administered daily.
That girl has the worst flappy crack ive ever seen. I didnt even know when my dick was in her ass.
A person who has lost the plot due to drug related psychosis. It is where you are not in control and are on full autopilot. This can occur while on drugs or if you abuse substances which leave your brain chemistry messed up.
"Brah the other day i took so much dex i was in the dextroverse" said Rodney
"Fuuckkkk" - said jim
"Yeah then i mainlined so much ketamine i ate my tongue"- said Rodney
"You're a cracked cunt" said Jim
"yeah mand you've lost the plot" said Sam
When you're on crack (a type of drug), you usually laugh and act a lot happier than you really should. Feeling crack happy is when you feel way happier about something than you really should.
A friend just gave you an M&M and you start jumping up and down like you've just won the lottery. Your friend says, "You're crack happy over that little M&M?"
In rap, if somebody spit that hot shit, it's common to say they spit crack. Not to say that smokin crack is encouraged but rather how hot they're bars are got u fucked up.
"Aye I heard you're freestyle earlier, you spit that crack my nigga."
Ayee I heard ya freestyle earlier. You spit crack my nigga.
1. A deranged state of mind, usually occuring after one has smoked crack, in which one is completely devoid of the principles of logic. Incoherence; insanity; irrationality.
2. The use of nonsensical lies to hustle people for money to support their crack addiction.
My Dad uses crack logic when trying to persuade me to give him money. "I need some money for food! Are you going to let your father die of starvation?" When I bring him several bags of groceries he gets mad because I didn't bring him money with which to buy crack.