To watch porn for the sake of watching it, without wanking.
person 1: man im so bored, i might just watch some culture porn.
A class of person who thinks that asking for a Supervisor or Manager in a non critical situation is acceptable because time has proven that if you complain about something, it will get done faster/better or you will be compensated in some shape or form for your inconvenience.
No one is above being a Karen. It is not age or gender limited.
Ex. 1 -Asking for the manager for a coupon because it took too long to get your Big Mac.
Ex. 2 -Complaining on TikTok about being stopped while acting a fool
The entirety of TikTok is filled with Karen Culture if you think about it. People spreading their opinions and unhappiness because they have no other outlet for it aside from the other people on Social Media
A mix of "Stalker Fan/Stan" and "Cancel", used to describe the EXTREME side of "cancelling" somebody. Where normal "cancel culture" will usually amount to a few days of raucous internet hate, "stancel culture" takes it ad nauseum - not stopping until the target or person carrying it out has been permanently ended.
"Cancelling" will escalate to "Stancelling" when long after the initial outrage has been raised and subsided, the "stan" will often continue to bring up the perceived issue, without provocation and with the same fervor as it was initially delivered.
This will also often seem like the issue is fresh, when in-fact it is not. As there is no recompense adequate enough for the person "Stancelling", the attacks will often even persist even beyond the point of death of the subject (eg. Stan Lee, Kobe Bryant etc.) and used for the purposes of farming clout.
I hear that famous voice actor is getting stancelled again. That is stancel culture for you; It's been three straight years, I can't believe they're still going.
A subset of patriarchy, when people overly idolizing sexual abstinence. See: Virginism Culture.
Usually the adherence of this culture are the conservatives, whether it's a religious conservatives or traditionalists
Telltale characteristics of purity culture:
1. No dating allowed, instead, they'll do courtship or even arranged marriage instead
2. No physical contact between opposite sex
3. Watching NSFW contents or jacking off is a "sin"
4. Sex education is taboo, because it will enable people to commit premarital sex
5. Slut shaming and victim blaming
6. Putting women's honour on her hymen's existence
7. Putting human's honour on their ability to do sexual abstinence until they're married
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When a person submerges themselves in a foreign culture, to the point of feeling that is now their own culture.
- "I always felt a connection with India. Now that I have dreadlocks, wear a scarf around my head and have given away all my shoes, I feel complete"...
..."dude, that hippy has Culture Syndrome. What a tool".
A fast growing, narcissistic past time of driving around in a vw van whilst filming each whilst wearing silly sunglasses and promoting self importance
"Hey Dave, shall we go join the campervan culture scene, I've got some bamboo shades to wear and Simon has a new go-pro selfie stick"
Poison Culture is the sociological phycology around allowing, waiting, and even celebrating the intake of mind-altering substances. Poison Culture celebrates late-night outs drinking alcohol or taking drugs and promotes acceptance of mental constructs such as Sunday Scaries and not allowing oneself to have fun sober.
Poison Culture aids in the development of alcoholism on college campuses.