Source Code

Curry Nose

When you eat a mild-hot curry, and the resulting warmth causes your nose to start running, as if you have the cold.

Normally happens after a masalla, or anything spicier than that.

Steve: Aww man my date was ruined last night!

Jamie: Why, what happened?

Steve: Well, we went to a really nice Indian restaurant and I ordered a Tikka Masalla, but it was so hot I got curry nose and grossed her out with my constant sniffing!

by GyspieHunter June 9, 2009

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curry smelling

kur-ree' smel-ing


insult to a hindu, referring to their questionable body odor due to the large amount of curry they use in their diet.

in conversation...
".lol i know what you mean..those curry smelling neighbors of mine are always stinkin up the neighborhood."

by who ar you? January 14, 2012

4๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

curry man

most colored people, especially east-indians, since they eat a lot of curry, hence smell of it too.

yo, that guy has a red dot on his forehead.. yeah, he's a curry man..

by Mike ha2 July 10, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 25๐Ÿ‘Ž

curry muncher

Wames and Wustin
Someone who brings microwaveable curry everywhere, all they talk about is curry, they harvest curry, they have posters of their favorite curry on their bedroom wall, they have group talks about curry, and live in a giant teepee making funny noises
Primarily these beasts consist of Wames and Wustin..however there is one lesser known curry muncher, dav dav

shit bro look curry munchers, wait is that Wames and Wustin?
whoah did you hear Liam got hit in the face

by totallynotJimbob-Bro October 17, 2007

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Ayesha Curry

Is a wannabe chef, wife to Stephen Curry, and mother their kids. She has no real job listed but is getting a cooking show within just being Stephen Curry's wife so she gets that handed to her. She starts up a lot of controversy between all the non nba and nba fans.

I thought that Ayesha Curry was a chef until on Chopped it just said food blogger

by Truthspeakernotahater July 13, 2016

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Curry Muncher

A Curry Muncher is someone (from India) who cannot stop eating curry.

Austin: Akash MUST be a Curry Muncher
David: Fuck off racist!

by friedchickenpapertowels October 5, 2010

79๐Ÿ‘ 141๐Ÿ‘Ž

curry surprise

A nasty smeeling pussy, one that is musky and stinks of curry usually Indian people have them. Also see {fish taco}

Dude Anabieh spread her legs and I was like "Damn look at that curry surprise"

by Jungle fucker69 February 24, 2008

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