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dork sack

The slang for Ball sack or Testes.

Hey you fukkin dork sack, give it back.

Jerimiah Davenport is a Dork Sack.

by Mr Poodidoo December 7, 2007

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The orchestra equivalent to a band geek.

You can summon an orcha-dork with a pinch of rosin dust an then by playing a note out of tune.

by Russian ranting June 2, 2015

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Dorke Phresh

Dorky but in a cool way

Slidin around on your socks the other day was really dorke phresh homie!

by AlyAhna August 16, 2008

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academic dork

Spending ample amounts of time on school work and always getting assignments done on time or even early.

I always have my assignments done because I am an academic dork.

by BeZeez July 13, 2011

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Dork It Up

To interject a non-nerdy conversation with really nerdy comment thus distupting the conversation.

The nerdy comment may/may not come from someone who is not contributing anything to the conversation.

Bob: Wow Spiderman II was really bad.

Nerd 1: Did you know tritium is an isotope of hydrogen?

Bob: Why you gotta dork it up for everything, Nerd?!

by mistahtom July 22, 2006

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dork brothers

dork brothers annoy you and are always over your shoulder when you are on the computer

Dork Brothers: What are you doing? Huh Huh Huh?
Sister: Go away you dork Brothers

by Courtthedork April 23, 2006

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Chatty Dork

A dude at work who manages to fill an entire workday chatting people's ears off.

Doesn't that dude ever shut up? What a chatty dork.

by JoeNJ2 January 21, 2011

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