Green FN is used in basketball and nba2k when you swish a shot. The FN is short for Fucking Nigger.
Person1 *swishes a shot* Green FN!
Person2 That was really green Fucking NIGGER!!!!! just like jamal
FN stands for Fortnite. The fortnite gang
Bro look its the FN GANG. Can i join the Fortnite gang?
12 year old kids that started playing Fortnite after chapter 1, and have played every day for the last 3 years, that have become so unbelievably sweaty, and are now ruining the game for those trying to casually enjoy it.
Me and Tanner tried to play Fortnite last night but kept dying to Fn sweats
Fat ass, usually has a 2 incher. He’s not good in bed. He is a terrorist above everything. He likes men named tavan and enjoys to suck cock.
Ex: wow he sucked tavans cock? He must be a xehn fn
Ex: wow he sucked tavans cock? He must be a xehn fn
A really sweaty name in fortnite, but the people who have that name in fortnite have tons and tons of potential but they always say that “people spam them” there pretty good in fortnite and they always help poor little bots by teaming up with them. The people who have this name can pump people really good, they can become as good as soar cricket’s
Limits fn is sweaty he doe be helping them poor bots
A more serious version of the verb Fade (To avoid something at all costs). There’s level to this but this type of fade is even more than T minus a fade that isn’t Ferda.
Holy shit that haircut is a Fade fn. Sigma Epsilon is nothing less than a Fade Fn. Hard rap during a frat party is a fade fn on ferd.