when your penis is 8-10 inches
My nigga got Franklin dick
Livin' in a Franklin crib, I'ma get frank, lil' bitch
Charming, funny, charismatic, quality built, socially toned lion of the business world. A best friend a man can have. If you give him 100 dollars, he’ll turn it into 200,000 dollars and give it to your future kids. If you meet him, congratulations.
I once thought I knew love, but then I met Baylor Franklin.
Whoever has a name like this, they are very cool. Sometimes they might take things too seriously, but overall an amazing person. Mattie is so kind and a sweetheart and never leaves any of their friends out.Mattie may appear innocent but can be the opposite. This person is very charming and yes, they do pull a lot of men/ women. Their personality is also a little flirty, so be careful.
Mattie Franklin, a charming person
the bestest friend ever. will always have ur back no matter what. you can always come to her and she’ll give u the best advice and the best hugs. she’s hilarious and has the bestest smile everr. she reminds me of soil, the she has the heart to help others grow and bloom.
everyone loves zhariah franklin