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Loren Gray Beech

Loren Gray Beech, is the definition of perfect, cute, hot, baddie and sweet in one. And also, she’s just a mfkg beautiful Angel

Guy:Do you think there’s someone β€œPerfect”

Me:Ofc dude, Loren Gray Beech is!

by Your moma thick July 30, 2019

The real Chris Gray

Laid back Schizophrenic dudes who are the fountain of all wisdom to their friends, and a source of frustration to their enemies because they just don't care. Available for contracts, problems solved, dragons slain, roof slates replaced, krakens turned to stone, moons jumped over, donkeys made to walk backwards. No job too big or small, as long as you don't mind it not getting done.

Write what you like about The real Chris Gray spoonheads no-one cares, unless you have a complaint about our service, in which case only you care, but one is better than none.

by The Big G June 21, 2004

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Wait for Sue Gray

The act of knowing that something terrible is going to happen, but hoping that it will resolve itself without any further intervention if you wait long enough.

"I accidentally prescribed that patient the wrong dose."
"Are you going to warn them?"
"Let's just wait for Sue Gray."

by politicshairy January 14, 2022

The Gray Bar Hotel

This is what the slang name for the Hall Of Justice Jail in downtown Los Angelas was. ( H.O.J.J)
The jail was located on the upper floors of the city hall building. When the inmates would go to court via the under the street passage between the court building and the jail, one could see that name on the barred (grey) entranceway leading to the jail.

The inmates filed past the deputies leading the way into the Gray Bar Hotel.

by Captain Save A Hoe October 12, 2013

Russian gray fly

A device used by Russians to snag salmon. It is made of a very large trebil hook with lead molded around the shank.

Commrad I cannot get these fish to bite! Here commrad use my Russian gray fly and when the school of salmon get close just throw in middle and yank works every time.

by The Mayer 8===D May 1, 2013

Old Gray Lady

The top nickname for one of the most popular newspapers in the U.S., The New York Times.

Veronica opened her copy of the Old Gray Lady to read baking recipes and about the Mets' losing streak.

by M-V-P January 4, 2012

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James Gray likes this

A popular trend which seems to have orignated from facebook, presumably due to someone called James Gray, pressing the like button too much.

Luka Modric has broken his leg.
James Gray likes this.

by Nem123 September 4, 2009

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