Source Code

self suck

when a male sucks his own penis for pleasue

ben loves to self suck...

by huffmiester4lyf June 24, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

self serve

When you commit something that embarrasses yourself, you say self serve to alleviate yourself of that act.

"Ah snap joe, i just dropped the blunt, self serve, self serve."

by Joe Charger May 8, 2008

47๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something very difficult, yet some people are able to pull it off, and people who aren't able to pull do it are called rapists or sex offenders.

Guy1: Man, those tits were so nice, i broke a sweat trying to keep my self from squeezing them.

Guy2: Man they must have been awesome, good thing you have self-control.

by Celebration2000 October 19, 2007

66๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž

Self Harmer

Self Harmers have suffered so much they will cut themselves or injure themselves to relieve themselves of emotional pain. Sometimes a self harmer may think "yes, you can hurt me...But so can I..."*cuts arm/headbuts wall...etc*
Sexual abuse, bullying or just mental isolation could cause self harm. Many self harmers are pressured into dressing an calling themselves emo so people will understand what is wrong with them...Which then leads to them being labelled attention seekers and feeling worse. It's a vicious cycle.
Self harm can sometimes go beyond cutting arms. I rub hairspray into them after which hurts like hell.
Sometimes self harmers stop before a certain using a cutting implement e.g razor, kitchen knife (but a craft knife seems to be fine...i should know)
Most self harmers are normal people who have suffered and have not "got over it" even if the event happened years ago. They may act manic depressive or paranoid, and have no trust. They act differently around people who they know, pretending to be happy and bubbly, or just very shy...

Me. I am a self harmer. I am not proud of my battle scars, and I wish you could see how f*cked up you left me. But I don't. You're happy, I'm not. What good would I do do by making you feel guilty and unhappy? I won't show you my blood, since I have no heart to bleed from anymore.
I'm not emo I just hate myself.

by Nathalie Angel October 20, 2007

100๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

Self mutilation

The practice of harming oneself (on purpose) in some way. There are many reasons people do this, self-mutilation (or: self harming, self injury, etc) is often linked to depression, high anxiety or self-loathing. If you harm yourself you need to get help, tell a teacher or a parent or look in your phone book for a help line.

Self mutilation is getting more and more poular, especially among teenage girls.

by Scars are forever November 21, 2003

109๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž

self destruct

Verb: to voluntarily destroy oneself, and/or any property under ones control, in order to deny any advantage to ones enemy(ies).

"As the Soviet Army surrounded the Stalingrad bunker, Hitler gave the order to Field Marshall von Paulus to self destruct, which he disobeyed."

by speedog May 3, 2010

70๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Something that creates a polarity between the "girls"you meet in high school and "women"you meet in the real world. The same vice vera.

Man #1 Remember when the girls in high school was very insecure. Now since I'm older, women tend to be more comfortable in their skin since they've gotten older.

Man #2 I think word that best describes that is self-confidence or maturity if I'm using it the right way I think.....

by Hustlahomes October 2, 2017

12๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž