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To repetitively do or say something/to overplay something until it is unbearable to those around you.

1. Don't bedo that phrase.
2. You're bedo-ing that song. I'm tired of hearing it.

by L7xAndres March 12, 2015


When you see a couple dressed as a pirate parrot and construction worker and they are doing it

Dude look! They are totally BobCelaeno-ing it!!!

by TiggerCelestia06 June 11, 2018


1. Falsifying evidence

2. Lying for personal gain
3. Making fake videos
4. One that has no moral conscience

5. One that tries swindling
6. A charlatan

You can't trust that guy, he likes abiud-ing everything.

Girl, you better stop abiud-ing and get to work!

Another abiud-ing asshat came in this morning complaining.

by saintdlee August 13, 2022


Going on about your daily life, but having the influence of BTS in it.
Examples are: dressing like them, acting like them, adopting some of their habits, doing the things they do, etc.

Unknown : "What are you doing?"
Me: "Oh don't worry. I'm just BTS-ing."

by Felix1509 November 27, 2019


A short girl named Leann who hahaha’s alot

β€œthere I go hahah-ing hahahaha”

by I like pbj sandwiches December 18, 2020

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The act of clicking "Like" on Facebook. Sometimes used to mock, other times to encourage.

" Janson Smith is no longer in a relationship with Sherley Temple"
*click*Like*click*-Sherley Temple

Janson Smith-I can't believe she is Like-ing that after I broke up with her.

by bambi89 March 9, 2011

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Getting really drunk before your friends get to the bar. Named after Gerrome who likes to get really drunk before his friends get to the bar.

I tried Gerrome-ing him and I made a huge fool of myself.

by yourgirlfriendxoxo January 20, 2011

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