When your friends use your most favorite blanket of all time, to make out under and do other stuff we are still not sure about.
“What the hell! Grace and Garrett are making out under the Kelly’s Blanket”
To pick the biggest of bogies while steaming off a fart
I pulled a huge Jake kelly earlier
People named this are probably very pale because the name has Irish roots. There hair is probably drop dead gorgeous.
Damn she’s pale, must be an Annabelle Kelly.
"did you see Kelly raes boobs?"
"ya they're tits are the size of my head." "puck is lyfe for kell."
greatest person you’ll ever meet and isn’t a fake bitch!!! also is kylie’s bestfriend
Also known as "Spotty Dotty" this petite bundle of joy is the perf combination of class, sass, looks, tits, ass, sluttiness, and intelligence. Fellas grab her while she's hott.
"Preston Kelly, what's the deal for tonight?"
" Umm well I have to go to the library and stay up with my studies but after that i'll go to Bob's and drop it like it's hot on the dance floor and one of these fratastic boys will come swoop me up, hehe. "
" you're a goddess"