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An ethnic group in myanmar and thailand, speaking the Karen languages. Also known as Kayin.

Oh, look at that woman! She must be Karen.

by Nuọṡṡto Ċīel July 3, 2019

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The type of person who would ask for your manager. She never respects the drip and doesn't really give two shits.

When she gets made she throws a fit. She usally says stuff like "i don't care".

guy 1 : hi welcome to good burger home of the good burger may i take your order?

karen : may i see your manager!

by ur mom 24/7 November 22, 2019

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Takes the kids, Doesn't respect the drip, asks to speak to the manager, and is dumb as (hell)

Who the fuck invided karen. That spagetti noddle of cancer. TAKE THE KIDS I DIDN'T WANT TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT ANYWAYS. > : (

by BitchAss261 November 20, 2019

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A Karen is a person that likes to be as annoying as humanly possible. She is well known for eating cats. She is that kind of person that has to pay people to be her friend. A Karen is a person that is persistent in being an absolute shit-head to everyone around her.

Karen’s also enjoy eating cement, you can still hear the crunch of Karen from 12 miles away. Instead of having cereal for breakfast. She believes there is nothing better than a nice solid vita-brick to start your day. With this in mind, you can obviously figure out that a Karen would weigh a minimum of 5 tonnes.

Why can’ t the plane takeoff?

Pilot: Karen

by GreenOlive.exe/Runtime:error September 27, 2019

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Karen wants to know your location. Karen wants to speak to the manager. Karen wants to know everything......

Karen goes to McDonalds. Karen gets annoyed. Karen wants to speak to the manager to get free food. Karen goes home. Karen says bye to you. Karen the wait for you to go. Karen then WANTS TO KNOW YOUR LOCATION

by nyancat232 June 4, 2019

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that bitch who took the kids AGAIN

you can find a Karen at:
-your manager
-basement, feeding the kids she took AGAIN
dont trust Karens
how to spot a Karen :
-bob cut hair
thats all.

Karen's husband: -Karen took the fucking kids again
person: - ah fuck, not again

by dirtycumslut6942069 May 24, 2020

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A privileged person who complains about, or is fearful of, someone who is powerless.

Sandra, a rich white woman, called the cops on a black individual because their presence made her feel unsafe. Sandra was being a total Karen.

In a real Karen move, Mike refuses to wear a facemask because protecting the people around him infringes on his "personal freedom."

by TheMonkapotamus November 6, 2020

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