The horrifying concoction of a teenage girl or middle aged woman’s period blood, and her urine, with the period blood representing the strawberry and the urine representing the lemonade. This mix while very dangerous, is widely regarded as very thirst quenching
“Dude last night me and my girl got real freaky, and she had me chug her strawberry lemonade”. “Radical!”
When a girl is on her period, she stands over her partner and has her period blood drip from her vagina while urinating on her partner.
Hey Jo can I get some of your strawberry lemonade for Julian?
Sticky piss found on every public toilet.
Dude, the Texas Lemonade gave me the herps!
Hot n' foamy piss from a flaccid man in cowboy boots.
"Hey have you ever tried cowboy lemonade?"
"Actually yeah, I have it on the tap if you know what I'm sayin'"
Derivative slang of the phrase "making lemons out of lemonade" and when used in reaction to conversation from an overly positive human. Also referred to as TALKING LEMONADE.
Rusty asked Herb what happened?! Herb said, "I was working on a four-story roof when I fell off, breaking my hip, neck and spleen..... becoming paralyzed. I lost my wife, my job, my dog hates me, I can't drive my Porsche and a woman will never look at me again. What a great turn of events. From now on I don't have to go into work, wake up in the morning, shower, interact with people, I can drink and cry myself to sleep every night, and I will live like a king off the land and my permanent government disability check in a trailer park with a white picket wheelchair ramp in the front yard. Must have been my lucky day. I don't know what I did to deserve such fortune. Life is good. If not for that I'd have to get up tomorrow and schlep shingles up a 100-foot ladder all day. Who wants to do that for the rest of their lives?!" Rusty replied, "that sounds like a bunch of Lemonade Talk to me!"
A common term wherein the lemonade greeter splashes their guest with a yellow liquid. The nature of the liquid is up to the greeter but it must be yellow
I was thinking of taking shower when I got to John's house but he was a tremendous lemonade greeter and gave me a different shower instead.
Lemonade made in your house with piss as the main ingredient. It’s also used when someone made terrible move in party games.
Your answer is totally a cup of homemade piss lemonade