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blue link

To skim an online article esp. Wikipedia, by only reading the links to other articles.

A: Do you listen to Adam Levine?

B: No, but I blue linked him, so I know all about his hit songs.

by Deevil July 3, 2015

needs a link

When you want a boy/girl to be with you but not a boy/girlfriend just friends with benefits.(commonly used by fools)

Yo Harry needs a link get at his snapchat

by BANterguy69 April 18, 2017

Link Slut

A person who sends stupid links to everyone they know, over and over again.

JMTGP: "That video sucked balls"
DFM: "Damn it! I didn't get to watch it yet!"
JB: "Oh he sent the same video to me."
JMTGP: "That Link Slut!"

by TUBER May 22, 2012

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ninja link

v., to surreptitiously link somebody to another site (especially goatse or tub girl)

"Check this link out!"
"AGH! THAT'S NOT CNN! THAT'S GOATSE! You ninja-linked me!"
"heheh... pwnt."

by inkdrinker April 25, 2003

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voice pedagogy: a class taught by a person of Asian descent that deals with chinks in the muscles of the throat.

God dammit...I have to go to chink-a-link today.

by jDogg February 25, 2005

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cuban link

the best rapper ever!!! his raps are just words or wisdom. not like thet typical rap song. "oh im so hot and rich. all girls love me..."

Prison Wisdom.... one of cuban links songs

by Kelsey101010101010101010101010 July 11, 2008

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Bobo link

To receive dome aka a fallacious act on human male penis at a music festival, preferably in Northern California. A Bobo Link may occur in similar situations but only in public and under the auspices of music and like crowd traffic.

Dude, last night I wondered into this hippy encampment and I was bobo linked by two feral overweight gypsy's whom gave me this awful rash; the drum circle was totally killer bro, awesome bongos!"

by Master Raul Duke...Esquire.... April 7, 2010

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