The bee type of the Jesus that was seen in bee movie. He was called out in the interview with Barry Bee Benson and Bee Larry King talking about how bees made a difference. Bee Larry King followed up this statement with talking about "Stick ball or Candy Stores". Barry replays with "how old are you"
man i can not beleive the bee movie added "BEE JESUS" in the Bee Larry King interview.
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the bee's knees, Older Slang . (especially in the 1920s) a person or thing that is wonderful, great, or marvelous:
His new roadster is simply the bee's knees.
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a group of trendy hip hop exterminators.
My basement was taken over by yellow jackets, so we text messaged bee unit to help take care of it
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According To all known Laws of Aviation there is no way a Minecraft Bee should be able to fly
Its blocky Shape looks too fat to fly
The Minecraft Bee of Course Flys anyway
Timmy: Bees
John: Minecraft Bee
Timmy: Wait What
*Minecraft Bee comes over*
*the Bee Rapes Timmy*
Timmy: *punches bee*
*whole Bee Colony Comes Over with the Mad Emoji Face
Timmy:O h s h i t.
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leader of a clique.only girls.mostly a
Regina George(queen bee) of Mean Girls(movie)
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A woman who often is an unspoken "leader" in a social circle that is composed of mostly girls (i.e. her "hive")
Usually this woman is the tallest or largest (sometimes as much as a full head taller than the others) in the group.
The Queen Bee also tends to protect those in her "hive".
At a party: "I want go up to that girl, but her Queen Bee is kinda giving me the evil eye."
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like a social buterfly but is much more entertaining and the life of the party
the drunk guy whose running around from group to group entertaining everyone is a total social bee
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