Source Code

The Beaver Fade

Where a male fades his pubic hairs typically from a #0 to a #2 or #3

The beaver fade

by Dwolf169 May 29, 2012

Faded shirt

When a girl has been fucked to many times

You sure you want to cuff her she a faded shirt

by Rosealea squad October 24, 2020

Fades to Grey

When things become less distinct. A blur.

When two people were once close but are no longer that way.
Everything in-between, slowly fades to grey.

by curious rouge February 28, 2014


When you smoke a bunch of weed, drink a bunch of alcohol, and buzz off nicotine... all in one go.

Hey Ceej, Chuck just hit the bong, shotgunned a keg, and smoked a Viceroy!
- Yeah, looks like he's getting trinity-faded tonight.

by MMiller November 2, 2018

boostie fade

When a nigga act goofy , he tryna catch a boostie fade.

Bro why do you look like a boston baked bean

Woah cuz you tryna catch a boostie fade

by 20's May 30, 2017


The state of being so high someone will exclaim “nigga” regardless of that party’s race.

William was so nigga-faded last night, him and Darnell almost scrapped.

by Aye Ayee January 6, 2021

butt faded

To be so blackout drunk that you prestige, hit sobriety, proceed through buzzed, lit, shitfaced, and hit blackout again.

As drunk as you can be without dying.
The best possible scenario for when you get weird with your friends.
So drunk that you can only speak in cursive.
When you are so drunk that you have to hold on to the grass to keep the world from spinning.

"Hey boys, let's get butt faded tonight!"
"I am physically incapable, because I got so butt faded from your cough syrup margaritas last night."

"I was so butt faded that I head butted the bathroom mirror in the bar because I thought it wanted to fight. Steve the bartender says I owe him a new mirror.... again..."

by Valdosta State Rugby November 28, 2017