Source Code

railroad lag

Some asshat typing in continuous ######## into a chat room window until the room becomes so slow that it no longer works.

Jack: Yeah, we can go find some-

Jill: ######################## (repeat forever)

Jack: Fuck you, you're stopping the fucking chat with railroad lag!

Jill: #################### (repeat forever)

-chat then freezes-

by Lilyitha January 5, 2014

Test Lag

Similar to Jet Lag; the dull and sleepy sensation one gets from taking a long test. Ranges from Minor Test Lag to Intense Test Lag.

Betty-Marie fell asleep as soon as she got home; she had some Major Test Lag!

by anti.DOT December 17, 2009

Game Lag

When you get used to playing one type of game then switch to another but your brain is still thinking in terms of the first.

I was playing an fps for a bit that when I then swapped to a racing game I had major game lag.

by _the_ghost__ December 6, 2019

action lag

When you are playing a FPS game smoothly, but you start to lag as soon as someone starts shooting you, causing your death.

Nice, 60 FPS man!
Oh, someone is shooting me... WOAH WOAH, 2 FPS WTH,
fucking action lag

by ybcuber September 17, 2018

Beautiful lag

A sexy and distinguished individual.

You sir are a beautiful lag.

by Lector charms May 12, 2014

Lag Fighting

When you are fighting with someone over AIM or Facebook Chat and in the time it takes you to type your response they have typed something else, and you send it after that topic has died.

Person 1: texting is for winners!!
Person 1: why dont you ever text?
Person 1: it is soo much easier!!
Person 1: OMG that reminds me.... i was texting jake yesterday and guess what he said??!

Person 2: lol lag fighting.

by Avenator14 November 9, 2010

Universal Lag

The little time that seperates what you do online from what others do. This usually split-second time difference can seriously deduct from online gaming skill.

Example 1:
Guy1:*Gets sniped right as he released a shot at the other sniper, universal lag making it so he never really shot due to the fact that he shot at the last second, the server not taking notice of it due to universal lag* DAMN UNIVERSAL LAG!!

Example 2:
Guy1's screen:
Guy1: I love you.
Girl1: You never say you love me, I'm leaving you.

Girl1's screen:
Girl1: You never say you love me, I'm leaving you.
Guy1: I love you.

by ThePerfectionist November 12, 2010