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noot party

Where you go to a party and everyone has a wank wank wank on the bed bed bed

Rim Tiggs went to Sebastians Noot Party and had a wank wank wank on Sebastian's bed bed bed

by TheExecutioner April 13, 2016

party cane

A stick used for hitting people that don't bring booze to a party. Usually made out of steel or a hard wood.

Tom: Hey, did you bring any alcohol to this sweet party?
Dave: No man. I got off work late and didn't get a chance to get any.
Tom: I don't wanna hear your fucking excuses. You're getting the party cane *whack* *kabaam*

by Matt Cirka February 13, 2008

Birthday Party

A chaotic event starting with comrades bringing gifts for surviving another year before a bright colourful object is placed on a table representing the years while people sing an uncomfortable song, ending in the colourful object being stabbed, set on fire and eaten while presents are disposed to the host

Wanna come to my Birthday Party?

by RandomLoser123 January 12, 2021

10👍 2👎

mud party

A mud party is where a group of heterosexual men get togather to shit on each other. This ritual is a right of passage among men of mid-western origin and is commonly known as "Lundberging"

We had a mud party and it got shitty

by 8lue May 12, 2018

Hyman Party

1. A party that is never to be missed.

2. A bacchanalia located on a street with a suggestive spelling, providing the perfect setting for drunken endeavors and memorable nights.

3. Where you will find the sexiest, most interesting people on any given weekend.

4. A place where legends are made and dreams come true.

Person A: Shit! Did you check Facebook? There's another Hyman Party coming up!
Person B: Fuck yeah, I clicked accept the second I got it. I'm fucking PSYCHED.
Person A: Those girls who live there are NIIIIICE.
Person B: Shit, that's what I'm talkin' about!

by Lorelai Hyman March 11, 2010

Party Haydos

Otherwise known as party pooper, Party Haydos is often used when referring to an individual who takes the fun out of life.

i.e. This party is a Haydos *people leave*


You Party Haydos! (party pooper)

by Jesssssse man January 20, 2009

Seinfeld party

A party in which the participants are celebrating something which would normally not deserve celebration. These parties usually take place to end a partying dry-spell.

While Seinfeld is a show about nothing, a Seinfeld party is a party for nothing.

Guy: Hey, are you coming to the celebration, tonight?
Girl: What are you celebrating?
Guy: The date! It's 10/10/10!
Girl: ...Why would you have a whole party for that?
Guy: It's a Seinfeld party!

by Deuce stain October 11, 2010