If given the Ebaballs Pass you are legally allowed to say "Ebaballs" in a sentence.
It can only be given by the original Ebaballs.
You may have the Ebaballs Pass
Another word for vape or e-cigarette so adults don't know what you're talking about.
"Dude guess what?"
"I got a battle pass!"
Old school Italians from South Philly would say this meaning "run the vacuum". It came from when Vacuums weren't electric, restaurants still use the non-electric sweepers.
"Go pass the sweeper in your bedroom"
A move in the card game “Hearts” whereas during the discard phase, a player dumps their highest three cards, in disregard to the receiving player. This player is significantly less likely to, “Take one for the team”.
Did you get a Cheryl pass? Oh, I got a Cheryl pass!
When Madonna and Cardi B take interest in something new and profess their enormous knowledge on the subject across social media, triggering a chain phenomena. This results in household interest causing household members to take interest in the topic and express their new found interest by meeting with others who are now too newly interested. This results in social gatherings that include wine drinking. Laughs on the topic take place by these novices on the subject and they say to each other during the experience “Pass the wine” in a nonchalant manner.
Saturn and Jupiter come close together and a celebrity posts about it. Next thing everyone’s sisters and mothers are posting and talking about it and telescopes on Amazon hit all time sells. Now this groups of people gather together and pop open a bottle of wine. Next thing they are giggling and talking about how the event reflects on their life situation. Then one says: “Ohhh pass the wine” while giggling.
A mental slang used as a satirical and exaggerated expression of wanting to kill yourself
Typically if you’re ever in a situation where you feel like “blowing your brains out” or “Jumping off a bridge” this term would be appropriate.
Although it’s not ideal to use in a real life sentence. It can be used as symbolism for wanting to die after a major inconvenience.
Weird awkward dinner where your uncle comes off as a pedophile in his choice of words
(Internal Dialogue amongst yourself )
“Pass The Salt”
1: A saying used when a student wishes that the entire class ignores the teacher.
Random good looking guy coined the term when he found out a girl in his school was using a shampoo bottle to pleasure herself (she told a friend and he was right next to them).
Guy: pass the shampoo!!!!
Teacher: WTF DOES THAT MEAN!!!!!!!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!
Class: ................................................