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Poppy is one of the kindest and most beautiful people you’ll ever meet. Some people immediately dislike her without giving her a chance but when you get to know her she’s an incredible person. She doubts herself no matter how many times you reassure her that she’s amazing. She is the only person you can remember everything about. She makes you want to change your entire sleep schedule to be with her just a little more. She leaves you thinking about her all day and missing her when she’s not with you.

If you ever get the chance to meet a poppy you’re one really lucky person.

by Julienmhm July 28, 2021


An amazing person who is loyal has great style and you should always trust. Poppy has amazing brown hair and eyes and is short. Poppy is 100% the best girl out there is is gorgeous but doesn't think she is.Always have a Poppy friend!

Poppy is amazing

by Name facts for almost everyone May 25, 2021


poppy is so swag, she is amazing, everyone should love her because her swag. poppy is super cool and model worthy. wife her up before the other guys in line do. poppy is fun and edgy. she loves a party but is also very relaxed #lol

be poppy’s friend and you will become swag

poppy has so much swag, woah, i want to be poppy

by swaglloll1000 December 31, 2021


The world'c cutest doggo. & years old, black, havenese/shih tzu, big brown eyes, smart. (also has two piggy tails in her hair at all times)

Poppy! Quit licking my toes.

by Sunny Weirdness December 18, 2020


Poppy is a girl with blonde hair and blue eyes, although her both name isn’t poppy. She says she doesn’t mind her appearance but always pursue in effort to look nice. Yeah, she acts like she is the victim of everything and she isn’t. Poppy is not a good person when it comes to how she treats people and their emotions, I hope amber is able to come to her sense and realize that poppy is changing and manipulating her into something that she is not.

‘UGH! She’s a prissy white bitch, she must be a poppy

by mygrandpajustdied August 5, 2018


my dog

omg look its poppy/poopy

by MYTH1CZ January 28, 2021


Poppy, she is not the smartest, but she has a habit of falling for the wrong guys. She moves on fast. Poppy LOVES sports. She has hazel eyes, blonde hair and she has a GIANT secret that she hasn't told anybody. She will do anything for her friends and "the one".

That's a Poppy! :D

"Poppy is not that smart but she is... ect"

by poppycombe February 21, 2019