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drama queen

An overly dramatic person.

Mary blows everything out of proportion! She's such a drama queen!

by Bri March 9, 2004

1882πŸ‘ 426πŸ‘Ž

skinny queen

A name used as a compliment toward a persons appearance. The person does not have to necessarily have to be skinny or royal, but just attractive.

"Have you seen Adriana's outfit today?"
"Yes she's a skinny queen!"

by skylairgd August 20, 2017

62πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Queen Mother

A bossy woman who is dominant, confident, headstrong and independent. She can be a feminist. She’s bossy esp to men.

My gf is a queen mother

by Genpum January 24, 2018

30πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

harem queen

A girl or woman who has a lot of male friends. Usually they have more male friends than female friends. (See One of the lads) This person is usually the envy of many other women.

"I saw Corinne out with three guys last night!"
"She's the harem queen!"

by Corinne Simpson October 15, 2006

28πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

faux queen

a woman who dresses as a drag queen. Also known as a "genetically-challenged" drag queen, because acting flambuoyant and dressing over-the-top can be a lot of fun for some women. The woman may not be heterosexual, but bisexual, or a lesbian, or refer to herself as a dyke.

Comes from "faux" meaning fake - "drag" + "queen."

As of the time of this writing, there are no known faux kings. (See: drag king.)

1. Connie and Carla in the movie "Connie and Carla," though they were somewhat forced into being faux queens...

2. See: the drag show in "Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous."

3. Ana Matronic of the band Scissor Sisters

4. There is an annual faux queen pagaent in San Francisco.

by rainbowrolemodel June 27, 2005

44πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

slay queen

A beautiful but dumb young woman who chases after wealthy men.

Nairobi slay queens ride ubers and only drink moet.

by Nairobian November 21, 2017

295πŸ‘ 63πŸ‘Ž

queens boulevard

The most dangerous place in the world.

Queenz child: Mom. I almost comitted suicide today.
Queenz Mother: HOW???
Queenz Child: I crossed Queens boulevard today. (wimper)
Queenz Mother: O my dear god! (she faints)

by queenz chick June 14, 2004

107πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž