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Rachel \r(a)-chel\ as a girl's name is pronounced RAY-chel. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Rachel is "ewe, female sheep". Biblical: Jacob's wife, described as being "beautiful in form and countenance".

Rachel is a great person
Rachel could also be a cunt-ass bitch, too

by idget.my.fidget July 17, 2018

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Sheโ€™s Anoying she canโ€™t keep secrets sheโ€™s a fake friend so all she has are fake friends every body talks about her behind her back and her hole family is messed up and Anoying

Fake friend: should we invite Rachel?
Other fake friend: nah sheโ€™s Anoying

by Idkwtfemd April 7, 2018

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Usually has curly hair. lowkey sometimes "moody' people say but in reality, she's just so fucking tired even though she gets a solid 12 hours of sleep.

"damn the girls has a resting rachel face"
"what does that mean"
"she looks like tired"


by saraesun February 14, 2019

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Rachel is a big fat white nasty smellin fat bitch, who takes people off the motherfuckin schedule with her trifling dirty white racist ass. She is a big fat bitch, Oompa Loompa body ass bitch.

Person 1:Do u see that big fat white nasty smellin fat bitch over there
Person 2: yes, who is she
Person 1: that is Rachel

by Roxanneeeeee January 4, 2020

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Can be the most authentic and loving person youโ€™ve ever met. Too bad sheโ€™s hangry and thinks that everything about you is awful and wishes that you would die already.

โ€œRachel is like those snickers commercials.โ€

by Garlictheclown December 23, 2017

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A pretty good looking girl who is smart, and knows when to laugh.

"Oh you're dating Rachel now? She's so smart!

by Chief Sosa got Glocks March 23, 2019

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mhmh..... This is for Rachel, you big fat, white nasty, smelling fat bitch
Why you took me off the motherfuking schedule
With your trifling dirty white racist ass big fat bitch
You oompa loompa body ass bitch
I'm coming up there and I'm going to beat the fuck
Out of you bitch don't even call the police today
Cause I'm gonna up there unexpected and wait on your motherfucking
Ass bitch I'm coming to beat the fuck out of you bitch cause you did
That on purpose with your aundry racist white ass thin haired bitch
Watch I'm coming up there to fuck you up bitch I'm telling you
Watch I know it kind of car you drive and I'm gonna wait on you and I'm going to beat your ass bitch cause imma show you not to play with
Jasmine Collins money bitch that's the first thing you did and you
Got me fucked up cause bitch I told you what the fuck was going on
You white motherfukers hate to see black
People doing good or doing good or doing anything
For them motherfucking selves ugly fat white bitch watch
I'm telling you, l'm coming up there to beat your motherfucking ass
Thin haired smelling white dog smelling ass bitch watch l'm coming to
Fuck you up cause you got me fucked up
Gonna sit up there and try to do that little aundry ass
Shit bitch you aundry since the first day I came up there... For other Rachelโ€™s ILY<3

Lol wuaht Rachel

by Alyssiaaaaaa<3 May 14, 2020

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