An extraordinary feeling that slowing comes over oneself leading to a feeling of complete harmony with all things.
The other night while I was thinking about my life and how grateful I am, a slow drop took place.
A slow curve is when you are being rejected in a slow and deliberate manner.
I been texting this girl and her texts have been getting shorter and shorter. I am on a slow curve bro
When the flow of traffic is much slower than it should be.
I would've been on time for work if it hadn't been for the collective slow.
The act of slowly engaging in romantic affairs before ending the current relationship
I began to loose interest in my current relationship, so I started the slow cheat with people in my DM
Comparable to "hold on" or "hold up". Said in a state of confusion to someone saying something that you not quite following.
"Did you know birds die when they have sex?"
"No, really?"
"Yeah, well the one I fucked did."
"Slow up, what?"