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Social Katamari

A gathering that attracts more and more people as time goes on. A reference to a Katamari, which similarly picks up things to become bigger.

At first it was just Sabrina and me walking, but by the time we got downtown we proved to be a Social Katamari that had picked up scores of our friends!

by Velocirobter July 11, 2008

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Social Work

A profession that works in a multitude of disciplines - mental health, schools, non-profits, child welfare, the aging population, community organizing, lobbying, client advocacy, and legal.

Social work has a broad range of populations that it serves, not just child welfare.

by thesheba February 27, 2009

89πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

social camouflage

Accessories of life that conceal your true social or economic standing.

A Cadillac is social camouflage…

Coined by Cadillac in an American Fall 2007 television commercial advertisment.

by barnstormer October 14, 2007

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Social credit

So, this is the latest meme in the Internet. This originated from the PRC which wants to add a score to track whether you did anything bad, notably, are you against Chinese wills, which will deduct or increase your score and get privileges or penalties. Who knows is it real, but outside of the PRC, it is wildly used as a meme to mock the PRC (please don't screw me up) or whatever.
(I live in Hong Kong save us)

Taiwan is not a country
δ½ θŽ·εΎ—δΊ†50εˆ†η€ΎδΌšδΏ‘η”¨ (you obtained 50 points of social credit)

Taiwan should be a country
ζˆ‘ζ“δ½ ε¦ˆοΌŒζ‰£εŽ»100εˆ†η€ΎδΌšδΏ‘η”¨ (fuck you, deduct 100 points of social credit)

(please don't screw me the politics on the island are really complex)

by someone out there who is bored November 26, 2021

23πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Republican Socialism

That economic aberration that allows private businesses, usually big corporations, to reap the profits of their financial successes while ensuring that the losses of their failures will be born by The People in the form of taxpayer-funded handouts.
Usually considered as an outgrowth of β€œReaganomics,” Republican Socialism came into its own during the economic crisis of 2008-09, which was spawned by the anti-regulatory fervor of the George W. Bush administration.

The Secretary of the Treasury today awarded another round of Republican Socialism to several banks in the form of a $20 billion stimulus package.

by mlcred April 10, 2009

114πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

Social Construct

stupid shit made by society

yo fuck the social construct

by catlearnswords April 17, 2021

30πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Social Parasite

1. One who attaches oneself to another person or group of people solely for the the purpose of raising one's own social status. Unfortunately diagnosis of having a social parasite can be made only after discovering that you have already been used, abused, and drained of all your resources. Once a social parasite has been discovered it quickly moves on and attaches itself to another victim. The cycle continues indefinitely as the parasite never achieves the social status it so badly desires.

2. An organism that attaches itself to an individual or group for the soul purpose of gain. Many social parasites rely on those they attach themselves to. They may also expect "the infected" to do such things as: pay for items being consumed(booze, cigs), chauffeur them around. They might also expect to be housed over night. This may then also go on for up to years.

3. A highly invasive organism that exhibits the minimum number of signs of intelligent life. The de-facto route of infection presents through unprotected social intercourse and concurrent alcohol or substance abuse. The social parasite also exibits a high perpensity to symbiotiaclly attach itself to an unaware host. This method of attachment usually presents itself when the host is exhibiting marked signs of malnurition, irratability, suicidal idealization, and unable to function within normal society. This causes the host to withdrawl from normal social circles and induce psycological self distrruction. This infection can be eradicated by completely disrupting its feeding cycle. Other mehods of eradication include removing any source of intoxicating substances or alcohol from the surrounding area. The social parasite will either detach itself from the host and die or move on to infect another person within the same social circle.

"I woke up this morning and realized I spent $300 last night, didn't get laid, and then found that social parasite still on my couch. He had the nerve to ask me to drop him off a half hour away and then asked for money when he got out of the car."

by JJM Publishing - A division of Whoretech Industries. February 2, 2008

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