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straight ice

When something is so cool, it becomes straight ice.

Optimus Prime and Transformers are straight ice!

by straighticeOG September 2, 2015

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straight boonded

being completely trashed
drunk or high

I'm straight boonded
I was straight boonded to the core
I was passed ripped, i was straight boonded

by Brett Reed November 23, 2007

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Straight Roskosin'

1. Chilling out...Really hard
2. The act of chemical intoxication by any means

"We were drinkin' smokin', straight Roskosin' all night."

by Dan Gurrisi, Evan Roskos December 8, 2003

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Straight cheese

Synonym of fire. Meant to imply that something is amazing.

Dude, his freestyle last night at the rap club performance competion was straight cheese.

by Moreawesomer August 16, 2016

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closet straight

A male who acts and talk as if they are flamboyantly gay but, not.

Hey bro, I don't go down like that. I go down like this. Come on man, don't you have a wife and kids? Yes, it's not like I'm gay, I'm just closet straight.

by Chef boy ar Gee December 31, 2015

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Deku is straight

Deku is straight not gay

Them:deku is gay

Me:deku is straight

by Phoneflipper44 July 6, 2021

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Straight as a bow

Wordplay on the expression "straight as an arrow". It basically means gay.

So that Doogie Houser dude, Neil Patrick Harris, he's straight right? I mean he did fuck those two strippers in Harold & Kumar.

Naw, man, he's straight as a bow.

by Dark Master Joey February 19, 2009

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