A teddy bear can be anything, a bear, duck, frog, dog, frog, kangaroo.
"Give me my teddy bear back!"
"Teddy Bear is in the dictionary."
A school prank which consists of you locker dunking someone and then it is immediately followed by a teabag while the person is on the floor. Simply locker dunk and hang from the locker and slowly slide down to do the teabag.
I'm going to do The Teddy on him today in school.
when two homosexuals touch dick eyes over a hairy asshole and it looks like a moustache
dude i cant believe that those guys want to give me an angry teddy frye.
When someone did the most or was being extra in completing a simple task only to never complete said task.
Chile, dis naker just Teddy Riley'd me on a shopping spree. I just wanted H&M, but they went all Nordstrom's and their credit card declined.
a mom who is overly concerned with her kid's bedtime
"yo, my mom made me go to bed at like 8pm last night, so I missed the game"
"dang, you missed a good one - she's such a teddy bear mom!"