A very soft (mushy) bowel movement in which an individual wipes their anus over and over again without any great success, resulting in an itchy butt, and the use of a whole roll of toilet paper.
Dude! Why is it that you always get mush tush at my house?! You owe me some Charmin you stinky bastard!
To cum vigorously into a dirty sock with abandoned freedom.
"My mom hates washing my overused Mush Sock"
it's a urban expression used regularly to mean reduce a person to a soft and wet mass like potatoes salad or even shit.
In spanish, hacer papilla a alguien
Its a must, i redeem my name and haters get mushed
Meaning mans sperm. Came from a rushed shorthand of the word mushroom.
You have a little mushe on your face.
by Jose April 6, 2005
mushe you mushed
A verb used to describe the timber and all other auditory characteristics of a really muddy, undefined and characterless piece of audio - wheather be it the sound produced by a musical instrument, the sound of a certain piece of audio gear like a speaker or a microphone, recorded material or otherwise.
Concert attendee #1: Wow this band is so loud, yet I can barely understand what the frontman's screaming.
Concert attendee #2: Yeah the guitar sound is so fuzzy, it all just sounds like mush city.
Kid A: These headphones are crap, every time I turn the volume up it goes straight to mush city.
Dude A: Hey man have you listened to my new track?
Dude B: Yeah it's nice man, but you totally overdid it with the reverbs. Sounded like mush city to me.