Source Code


El paso's sister city across the border in mexico

it's friday we aint got no job and we dont got shit to do. lets go to J-town and get drunk with 10 bucks

by joe January 16, 2004

69πŸ‘ 22πŸ‘Ž


f town- a place where there is literally nothing to do... unless u love nugs and other drugs, then its not bad. Spoiled rich kids with nothing to do with there money so they spend it on any drug they can buy in hope that it will make the town seem better. watch out for narcs when entering this town.. FUCK THE RTPD

we smoke mad nugs in f-town everyday

by G LOC January 4, 2006

24πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž


nick name for Chicago. Used mostly by south side residents, and famous people from the city, giving props to their hometown.

"What up all my chi-town boyz?"

"I'm from Chi-Town"

"Dawg I went to Chi-Town and rode The El into the north side"

by K July 4, 2004

431πŸ‘ 165πŸ‘Ž

hot town

City of Houston in Texas.

Vitaliy says: "What is Hot Town?"
Mike says: "Where Roger Clemens f'd up"

by Kazakh June 18, 2008

13πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

cabbage town

An area in small towns with houses that are past the train tracks. This entire area is usually called Cabbage Town and people will most likely answer all your problems with "oh, it's because you're from Cabbage Town". Also where Ethan and Brooke live oh and also where angie used to liveβ™₯

jon: dude, my girlfriend dumped me.
pete: it's because you're from cabbage town

lloyd: holy fuck! i lost my wallet AND my camera!
larry: thats what you get for living in cabbage town man.

brooke: i hate my life
conor: cabbage town does that shit to you.

by hardcore69 March 26, 2009

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Town of Salem

Player1: 'TP/LO'
Player2: 'No problem.'
*The day after*
Player2 died. They were shot by a Veteran. Their role was Bodyguard.

That player's an idiot, calling TP/LO as Veteran, but I can't really rage about that because that's literally every player in Town of Salem

by DEMON!C November 25, 2020

14πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Himey Town

First stated by Jesse Jackson during a presidential election in 1984.
Himey Town is a town full of jewish citizens, also known as New York

New York is Himey Town.

by Beefheart_ August 15, 2006

31πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž