(noun) - When a girl cuts her pants so short to the point that you can see part of her ass and it's practically underwear.
Dude, did you see Jenifer? She's got the best jean thong on the block!
A thong berry is what happens when you think you're done with your period, so you put on a thong, but you end up with a congealed blob of gooey uterine blood stuck on your skank floss.
I thought I was done leaking uterus jelly, so I wore and thong that day and ended up with a stank thong berry.
I like CapnCrunch with thong berries
A person who is constantly bored. They don’t like what used to entertain them, they have zero exercise, zero power in their brain's battery, zero oxygen… They are basically a zerozerozerozerozerozero.
Please, anyone who is in here, tell my brother to do something real because I don’t like him being a long-prong thong anymore!
It refers to Donald Trump's unusual hairstyle...named as such because it barely covers the asshole, Can also be used as a derisive. term for a Trump supporter in general.
My neighbor admires the Donald so much , he went out and got a thong haircut
the act of witch R.J Robinson yanks his pants down and rams his under-where (usually tighty whities) up his ass to make it appear that he is wearing a thong, all while he is bouncing around like a little school girl who had her period for the first time.
hey look, R.J. has a badonka thong
A thong made for men with dick the size of large trees.
Dude, Jacob had a tree thong on last night!
A swamp thong is when your ass sweat creates a dark place on your pants shaped like a thong!
It can lead to swamp ass and if untreated it lead to a more serious condition called duck butter. This can lead to fungi in the ass crack and genital area requiring medical attention!
Look, that guy in playing volleyball in the cutoff jeans has a swamp thong
Damn, its so hot today; if i'm not careful i might end up with swamp thong.